Business Presentation Skill - WOW Presentation

Business Presentation Skill Series
WOW Presentation
July 26th - 27th 2017 - Jakarta

“The meaning of communication is the response you get!” is one of the most important communication principle.
In business sense, either in interact with other employees or external, either sales or non-sales people, are required to be able to present effectively. Base on communication principle, factors should be noticed in presentation are:
1.    Verbal: the words or diction we choose
2.    Voice: the tone of voice, articulation, intonation, speed, and volume that we produce
3.    Visual: how do you look factors, including: the slides, expression of face, gestures, physical performance, building rapport, how to handle questions, etc.

So many presenters have good content (material of presentation) but they fail to convey since they don’t know how to optimize the context (the way you deliver).
In this workshop, participants will be helped to be attractive presenter that can convince the audience.

This workshop will result some benefits to your organization
To gain the feedback you want from all presentations performed by your people

After attending this workshop, participants are able to practice:
a.         How to choose the impactful diction or word
b.        How to produce hypnotic voice
c.         How to perform excellent when present ideas

1. Know yourself
a.                  Defeat your internal terrorist: stage fright or nervous
2. Instant Building rapport: The key of success of blending with audience
a.                  Energetic opening
b.                 Cohesive interaction
c.                  Powerful closing
3. 3 V Principles
a.                  Verbal: choose impactfull words (diction)
b.                 Voice: produce hypnotic voice
c.                  Visual:
i.                   Manage expression and gestures (body language)
ii.                 Physical performance (dressing)
iii.               Develop attractive slides/power point (presentation)
-                     Setting layout & background
-                     Optimize shape & color
-                     Using high quality pictures, shading shape & clear fonts
-                     Animation & transition, etc
4. Content VS Context

Workshop Method:
·                    Lecturing
·                    Role-play
·                    Discussion

For more information please contact:

 Xperiential and Professional Training (XP training)
Ngemplak Karangjati Jl. Monjali No. 45 RT. 003 RW 036 Sinduadi Mlati Sleman Yogyakarta 55284
Ph. / Fax. 0274-6411288. E-mail:
CP : Anton Wibowo (08118202389), Indah cahyani (08122758968), Naila Zahara (081321754000) 


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