
1.      In the oil and gas industry, Petroleum Production which has been separated from the Air and Gas, stored and shipped for sale to domestic and export purposes.

2.      In every stage of the management of petroleum the measurement must be done carefully, using a standard way so get real how many oil production, stock and sold.

3.      In essence the whole movement of petroleum must be measured by standard, meet the criteria and auditabilitas accuntabilitas, the truth is recognized by the whole business of Oil in Indonesia and internationally.

4.      In order to achieve the goal of "Standards and Procedures for Measurement of Oil Flow Calculations and loses control" very important role of the practitioner in the field should normally be done by the "Operator" and the immediate supervisor in the field, as well as the presentation of the results of measurements are correct and accurate.

5.      At the end of these days, with higher crude oil prices, concerns about the management "looses" the higher.

6.      To be able to analyze and attempt to minimize losses may only be made if:
         Mastering the system of measurement and calculation of the standard and rigorous enough.
         Implement the right and use the equipment and production processes are standard gauge and adequate.
         Pour in a standardized system of reporting and accuracy as well as the same level of accuracy.
         Where possible avoid the losses that will impact the occurrence of any oil management activities.

Training objectives:

1.      In the workshop we present material that can meet the needs of the Government refers to the rules, procedures and the need Managemen BPMIGAS related companies. Procedure is based on the international oil industry standards, namely the American Society For Testing Materials (ASTM) - The Institute Of Petroleum (IP), which became the basis BPMIGAS in preparing the General Implementation Guidelines for Oil and Gas Operations (PUPO Migas), to guide the K3S.

2.      After training expedted the "Operator" , "Supervisor" and "Administration of Production Function" can understand and explore the "Procedures for Measurement, Calculation and Reporting of Oil and tolerance limits of the target Managemen losses, by applying it in everyday tasks day in the field with full responsibility.

Training Material:

Workshop include the following materials:

a) Production Operations and Lifting.
Provide understanding oil production management activities since out of production wells to the point of delivery to the Other, so that workshop participants have the knowledge of the activities undertaken by the Operations function, especially how to perform the separation and measurement procedures of production and delivery of petroleum to the other Party, including :
         The procedure of observation and production wells and test individual wells to calculate the potential production.
         System of production flow from the production well (well head) to the collector Production Center or Terminal.
         The separation between the Oil, Gas and Water and the management of each of these production at Block Station and Terminal.
         Submission Procedures Petroleum to another party.

b) Production Reporting System and Lifting.
·         Provide an understanding of reporting that must be submitted to the management of production, especially BPMIGAS Number of Production Report, Stock and Lifting.
·         Production Reports, Stock, Lifting / Delivery and losses as outlined in the integrated report "Crude Oil Production Reconsiliation".

c) Standard Calculation And Measurement Of Oil Production And Lifting With Static System.
Gives light and Calculation Procedure for Measuring the amount of petroleum in onshore tanks and ships, which will be applied to calculate the amount of production, lifting and petroleum stock, and looses evaluation that can occur include:
·         Measurement of high oil and free water in the tank ASTM D-1085 or API-2545, Oil Temperature Measurement in Tanks ASTM D-1086 or API-2543, Sampling Petroleum In Tank ASTM D-270 or API-2546
·         Analysis Laboratory to determine the Density / Specific Gravity / API Gravity ASTM D-1298 or API-2547 and BS & W content of ASTM D-4007 MPMS - CHAPTER 10.3.
·         The calculation procedure includes the step Petroleum Stock calculation, use Table Tank Army, the use of tables Ship Tank, as well as the use of IP Tables ASTM D-1250-2540 OR API.

d) Standard Calculation And Measurement Of Oil Production And Lifting With Dynamic System.
Gives light and Calculation Procedure for Measuring the amount of oil flowing through the pipe by using a Flow Meter, as well as the accuracy can be achieved in the measurement system include:
         Description of work flow meter system (PD Meter)
         The procedures and calculations proving meter measurements with Flow Meter.

e) Analysis of Losses.
Provide understanding of the losses or gains that occur in the management of petroleum production and distribution, reporting systems and procedures of claim discrepancies in the handover occurs when the difference is greater than a reasonable tolerance.
Conduct a thorough evaluation of the oil management system and take measures to reduce losses on the basis of a standard measurement system and the factors that may cause losses.

Suggested who attended:

Workshops are important followed by "Operators and Supervisors" Collecting Station, Station Main Gatherer, Terminal, Financial Staff-related, and other workers who are responsible for reporting oil flow, so that:
• The workers have the same perception and understanding in managing oil and gas production.
• The data used in "data entry" on the online reporting system is based on data derived standard procedures.
• Reports submitted to the Data Management is the "Accountable and auditable" and can be reconciled in all activities of the company.
• Pressing the loss of oil, especially that caused by errors of measurement and calculation and reporting errors in the presentation.


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